

She was a young female staffer in her first professional position.  What she may have lacked in experience, she made up for with a lot of heart and she extended her maximum effort for every single patient.

Dr. Goldstein posing with brain model when she was a neurosurgeon

Dr. Goldstein as a young neurosurgeon.

I had been like that in the beginning, too.  At first, you have no body of knowledge to draw upon, but you quickly learn every time a new patient comes in.  With experience, you see it becomes clear patients are more alike than different, and the work is at least a little less onerous.

But our newbie had a very few months experience with this intense clinical situation.  So every single patient was new and scary, and she gave her all. One week before she had dealt with one of the most difficult situations.

Read more on The Operation Was A Success, But The Patient Died…

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