corrective rape


The old guys were right.

Cover of The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (1930)I mean the really old guys, the ones who wrote over one hundred years ago.  The guys like Freud and Janet who said that mostly everything that shapes people’s lives seems to be trauma — whether or not modern authors agree.

I have seen an anorectic whose trauma was a passer-by in a crowd who told her that she was too fat for anyone to have sex with, and then keep walking. I have seen a sufferer of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) who was told she was filthy when she was a kid.  She later became so excited about cleanliness she missed nights of sleep to tidy the living room.

But although very real causes of pathology, these seem too trivial to be real traumas for most people.

Others are too horrible to be denied. Read more on PTSD From Sexual Trauma — Learning That Life Is Not Always Fair…

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