brain cells


I find a lot of things I like in the New York Times. This article resonated with me as few others. First, there is the purpose of the human profiled.  Changing medicine into data science?  God save us all.

Sometimes I feel the best thing I do for a patient is to be human.  Just to have the pretension (a pretension which I do not take lightly) of being one human being in a room with another human being, trying to make them feel better.  This does more, I think, to make most of my patients “better” than all of the pills I have spent years studying about. All those years studying normative use of medications on large populations of humans.  And they work enough to please the powers that be.

Read more on Human Beings Are Not Computers…

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You’ve seen me write about EMPowerPlus many times. I was fortunate enough to be chosen to conduct independent research on this about ten years ago and I use it extensively with my private practice patients.

Read more on No More “Bye-Bye Brain Cells”…

Filed under Alternative Medicine, Brain, News, Research by on . Comment#